Small Estate Affidavit of Succession

Avoiding Probate with a Small Estate Affidavit – The Affidavit of Succession Small Estate Affidavit of Succession- Many people wonder whether or not they have to go through probate when a loved one dies with a small estate. There are alternatives to probate that we, at Arizona Statewide Paralegal, can help you with when you […]

Getting Grandparent Visitation Rights-Part 2

GRANDPARENT VISITATION RIGHTS Grandparent Visitation Rights-Part 2 is a continuation of our previous post Grandparent Visitation Rights-Part 1. In Part 1 we discussed the background and history of grandparent visitation.  Part 2 discusses the process of preparing and filing a Petition to Establish Grandparent Visitation Rights. According to Arizona law the court may grant grandparent […]

Child Support Alternative to Paralegal Services in Arizona

Child Support Alternative to Paralegal Services in Arizona – Why and how do I get child support without being married? Establish Paternity first There are many reasons why a mother, father, or child might want to establish paternity. Some of the reasons are legal and others are more personal. For a child, it may be […]

Arizona Child Support-Part II-by Shannon Trezza

Arizona Child Support Guidelines Part Two In Part One we discussed the general guidelines for child support obligations, including determining the gross, adjusted gross, and combined gross income of parents and how the basic child support amount is determined. In Part Two, we will give you information about how parenting time figures into child support obligations, […]

Child Support in Arizona Part I-by Shannon Trezza

Arizona’s Child Support Guidelines – Part One In 2005 the Arizona Supreme Court adopted child support guidelines that follow what is referred to as the “Income Shares Model.” The model is based on the amount that would have been spent by the parents on their children if they were still living together.  Under these guidelines, […]

Texting Technology make communicating with ex-spouses easier-by Shannon Trezza

by Shannon Trezza Cant stand hearing your ex-spouse’s voice? In Arizona we may find judge’s ordering communication regarding the children to be handled by texting.  What a great idea.  It’s difficult after divorce sometimes to be able to make decisions for your children because of the emotion that erupts at the thought of having to […]

No more Custody in Arizona?-by Shannon Trezza

No more custody in Arizona by Shannon Trezza Effective January 1, 2013, Custody as we know it will bear a new title.  That’s right finally custody will be labeled by its definition. SOLE LEGAL DECISION MAKING VS. JOINT LEGAL DECISION MAKING.  The definition for who has custody of a child has long been a power […]

An affordable option for divorce documents-by Shannon Trezza

LOW COST DIVORCE OPTIONS Low cost divorce help in Tucson isn’t hard to find. If you are trying to save money and you and your spouse agree to a division of assets, debts, custody of children etc. then you may try the option of a certified legal document preparer. In Arizona a non-lawyer may prepare […]

What factors go into the child support calculation in Arizona?-by Shannon Trezza

CHILD SUPPORT CALCULATION -FACTORS The Arizona child support calculator takes into consideration several factors and it uses the income shares model to determine the amount of child support that the non-custodial parent must pay. When determining the child support in a divorce, paternity or child support modification case, the following information is required: GROSS INCOMES. […]

Income Withholding Order (IWO)

What is an Income Withholding Order (IWO) In June of 2012, an Income Withholding Order replaced the old Order of Assignment.  It’s an Order that is signed by the family court Judge that orders the employer of the party paying child support or spousal maintenance (alimony) to withhold income from the mother or father’s paycheck […]

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