Revocable Living Trusts and Estate Planning

Common Mistakes in the Estate Planning Process The estate planning process can seem overwhelming. However, if you own any type of assets, you should consider establishing an estate plan that allows you to be in control of how those assets are distributed to your beneficiaries following your death. As the saying goes, if you fail […]

Living Trusts, Living Wills and Probate

Understanding the Difference Between Living Trusts, Living Wills, and Wills Sometimes the terms living trust and living will are thrown around as if they are interchangeable, but they are different from each other and also different from a traditional will.   Living Will A living will deals with your medical care, not your assets and […]

Living Trust: Avoiding Arizona’s Probate Process

Living Trust: Avoiding Arizona’s Probate Process   We have written elsewhere about Arizona’s probate process. Probate is a legal process in which the court appoints a personal representative of the estate of a person who has died. That personal representative is responsible for making an inventory of all of the deceased’s assets whose ownership did […]

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