Arizona Divorce without going to Court
Do I have to appear in Court when I file for Divorce in Arizona? It is common to think that a court appearance is required when filing for divorce in Arizona. They don’t have to be long, expensive battles in court. It’s quite the opposite. With the help our our certified divorce legal document […]
How do I File for Divorce in Arizona
Basics of Filing for Divorce in Arizona How do I file for divorce in Arizona? Many people mistakenly assume that all divorces are long, drawn out, expensive battles in court. This is not always the case, and in some instances, couples who are divorcing can file paperwork without the help of an attorney, which […]
Divorce Without a Lawyer
Divorce Without a Lawyer: How We Can Help The thought of a divorce can be scary, especially for those who have never been through the process before. Lawyers, courtrooms, arguing—there is so much drama involved. While a dramatic divorce case is what is often portrayed in the media, it does not have to be […]
Divorce With Children
DIVORCE WITH CHILDREN Navigating the next exit with children. As you begin to collect the information needed to file for divorce, the process may feel overwhelming, daunting, and nerve-wracking but know that we are here to guide you. In Arizona, a divorce is legally a “dissolution of marriage” and a court process to end a marriage. […]
Filing for Divorce When Your Spouse is Not in Arizona
Filing for Divorce When Your Spouse is Not in Arizona Arizona Revised Statute 25-312 says that as long one spouse has been an Arizona resident for 90 days, you can file a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) in Arizona, regardless of where you were married. It is not necessary for your spouse to […]
Starting Your Divorce with AZ Statewide Paralegal AZ Statewide Paralegal offers professional legal document preparation services. We have decades of experience preparing documents for divorces in Arizona. By using our service you can avoid the expense of a high priced attorney so that you can focus your financial resources on helping your family make […]
Responding to a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce)
Responding to a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce) If you have been served with a Petition for Dissolution of a Non-Covenant Marriage, Arizona’s legal term for divorce, you have choices for how to respond. In the petition, your spouse will have alleged certain facts about your mutual assets and properties and may have […]
Process Servers
When attempting to serve a Petition for Dissolution, occasionally process servers are called upon to serve these legal documents to an uncooperative spouse. Process servers must be certified and licensed by the Arizona Supreme Court in order to serve legal documents on someone. They are given either a physical description or photograph of the spouse. […]
70% of divorce cases in Tucson are filed by self represented persons!
Do I NEED to hire an Attorney? Some of my clients have asked this question and my answer is always the same. I am unable to answer the question whether or not you NEED an attorney. However, I do suggest that you ask yourself the following questions: 1) How comfortable are you appearing in Court […]
Looking for a Tucson Paralegal?
Are you looking for a Paralegal in Tucson to get a divorce? An affordable option to hiring a Tucson Attorney and their expensive paralegals could be to try an Arizona Certified legal document preparer in Tucson. AZ Statewide Paralegal can help. We are Arizona Certified Legal Document Preparers certified by the Supreme Court of Arizona. Tucson […]