Let Us Help You…Make a Will Today!
Hey ladies and gents, make a Will already! Look at what happened to Steve McNair’s money because he didn’t have a Will. Make sure all your possessions are going to the people YOU want them to go to. Even though most of us don’t have the money that Steve McNair has, I’m sure we all have […]
Faster Divorces in Tucson than in Phoenix!
It’s amazing but true! Getting a Divorce in Tucson is actually faster than getting a Divorce in Phoenix? How is that possible? Well in Arizona there is a statutory waiting period of 61 days however, the local rules of procedure for Divorce in Tucson, Pima County, are such that I can submit your Decree for […]
Getting a Divorce in Tucson doesn’t have to be expensive, difficult or time consuming. In fact, quite the opposite. Arizona divorces are on the rise and typically if you live in Tucson, 1 in every 2 families will start the divorce process this year. What most Tucsonans don’t realize is that there is a fast […]
Child Support documents in Tucson
If you live in Tucson, Arizona and have children and are currently paying child support or receiving child support; At one time or another you have wanted to get more or pay less!. If you live in Tucson but don’t want to pay a fortune to an attorney to prepare your Arizona child support documents […]
What is a "No Fault" divorce?
According to answers.com, the definition of a no-fault divorce is “a divorce which is granted without the necessity of finding a spouse to have been guilty of some marital misconduct.” Before no-fault divorce statutes were established, one had to prove that specific marital misconduct, such as infidelity or abandonment, had taken place, and there had […]
Can't I avoid a Court appearance? My divorce is uncontested!
If you and your spouse agree to the division of assets and debts in your uncontested divorce then you may be able to avoid a court appearance. In Arizona you can avoid a court appearance if both parties agree to signing a Consent Decree of Dissolution. An uncontested divorce can generally be completed in approximately […]
More than half of Court Ordered Child Support goes unpaid!
According to the American Bar Association Guide to Marriage, Divorce, and Families, more than 50% of child support owed by a non custodial parent goes uncollected. Many cases are for children who were born out of wedlock. Even though a child is born out of wedlock it is still possible to collect child support from […]
Tell Us About your Courtroom Experience
All of our clients represent themselves in Court. Whether it is a contested divorce or child support modification, child support termination, or custody modification, many of our Tucson clients have chosen to appear in Court and present their own case. Your experience can give others insight as to what to expect at their own hearing. Tell us […]